Monday, 20 September 2010


At the request of Rodoel, some more poems :P

Unable to see
The beauty
On the other side
Of the mirror

Wrinkles on the watery surface
Tears in my eyes
Blood in my veins
Wind blowing through my hair

The simple beauty
Of mountains so high
Eternal snow
Lays a weight on my frozen heart
The warmest fire
Can’t melt the ice

By my reflection
In your eyes

Friday, 17 September 2010


The time has come
The time in which you’ve seen
That it’s time
To change

The day has come
The day on which everything
Will change
The day that you’ll change

The bad things
Will slowly disappear
And good things
May arise

The clouds
Will slowly disappear
And the sun
Will soon come out

The sunbeams
Will warm our skins
And maybe it will
Bring us closer together

Then we ever have been
Time will tell
Time will learn

Monday, 13 September 2010


For this blog, I figured I'd post my favourite poem. I wrote it myself a few years (2006) ago. Hope you'll like it.

That little girl
In her little white dress
Oh, how happy mustn’t she be
See how her hair moves in the wind
See how her little feet touch the ground
She must have everything her little heart desires

Look at her standing
At the side of the river
How she takes off her little shoes
And touches the water with her little toes
Look at the way the wrinkles
In the water come to be

Slowly she walks into the river
Up to her little knees
See her standing in the water
In her little white dress
The little smile on her little face
Has disappeared

Little tears run over her little face
She’s all alone
She says goodbye, one last time
She walks deeper into the river
Until she’s gone under completely
And so said the little girl
In her little white dress
Her final, little goodbye

Monday, 6 September 2010

Pulling yourself/myself together

People who have read my blog may know that I've had some struggles during the past year. Well, the struggles continue and sometimes I think things are just getting worse.

It's so annoying when everyone is telling you everything is gonna be alright, when you just feel it won't. People tell you to stay positive, to look forward into your future. But that's the problem..... I feel like I don't really have anything to stay positive for, things just seem to be going wrong all around me. I really don't know what to do anymore to turn those thoughts around.

I don't feel like I've got any friends or that things are going well for me. I know I've got a few friends, but yet have this feeling of being alone. How does one pull themselves together when you don't know how?

I love working on my webdesign course and learning more about it, but it doesn't make me feel better. I miss the real contact which you have when your around friends. But how do you make friends when you need to pay close attention to your finances? You can't really go out the door.

All these things and more just make it really difficult to pull yourself together. I try to occupy myself all the time, but that doesn't mean that I'm actually feeling better. I know that I'm wearing a mask from time to time, just because I don't want to be the person who feels bad and complains all the time. I many others with me are wearing masks?

This blog isn't about interests or discussion topics. This blog is about me, about my life, about my thoughts. I needed to clear my head. I'm curious to see the comments on this blog.